

发布时间:2024年05月14日 字体大小:










2006年9月--2014年6月 台湾暨南国际大学(教育政策与行政学系)(博士)

2001年9月—2003年6月 台湾暨南国际大学(教育政策与行政学系) (硕士)

1989年9月—1993年6月 台湾淡江大学(西班牙语文学系) (本科)


2023年3月至今 太阳集团官网(太阳集团官网)

2019年12月至2022年11月 南宁师范大学(教育科学学院)

2018年1月至2019年12月 温州大学(教育学院)




[1] 主持《粤港澳大湾区老员工社会责任实践意识及提升路径研究》(广东省教育科学规划领导小组办公室2023年度教育科学规划项目(高等教育专项)立项,立项编号: 2023GXJK147)。 (项目课题负责人,在研,2023-2025) 。

[2] 主持《基于TPACK的广西中小学教师财经素养公司产品能力评价指标构建与培育模式研究》(广西教育科学规划2021年度广西财经素养教育研究专项一般课题,批准文号: 桂教科学[2021]26号,立项编号: 2021ZJY962)。 (项目课题负责人,结题,2021-2023) 。

[3] 主持横向项目(爱华方舟教育管理集团两年十万元) 《民办学校AI智慧课程与教学评估研究》(项目课题负责人,结题,2022-2024)。

[4] 主持个人校级科研项目《促进深度学习的大学在线课程参与式教学模式研究与实践—以中国大学MOOC课程南宁师范大学课程为例》(学校科研启动项目课题负责人,结题)

[5] 主持个人校级科研项目《粤港澳大湾区中小学教师AI人工智能教学评价体系建构与实践模式研究》(学校科研启动项目课题负责人,在研,2023-2026)。

[6] 主持校级公司产品改革项目《促进老员工深度学习的翻转课堂教学模式研究与探索—以太阳集团官网课程为例》(项目编号:2023JG092,在研,2023-2025)。

[7] 主持校级新建课程组《教育学课程组》(项目编号:2023XKCZ09,在研,2023-2025)。

[8] 主持校级专业选修课《教育政策与法规》(项目编号:2023XZXK12,在研,2023-2024)。

[9] 参与数字教材《课程设计与评价》(孙芙蓉主编)编撰,2024.05出版。



[1] Fu-Rong Sun, Long-Fei Pan, Rong-Gen Wan, Hui Li & Shu-Jing Wu (2018). Detecting the effect of student engagement in an SVVR school-based course on higher development in elementary schools by SEM, Interactive Learning Environments, DOI:10.1080/10494820.2018.1558258 (SSCI) (Corresponding Author)

[2] Fu-Rong Sun, Hong-Zhen Hu, Rong-Gen Wan, Xiao Fu & Shu-Jing Wu (2019). A learning analytics approach to investigating pre-service teachers’ change of concept of engagement in the flipped classroom, Interactive Learning Environments, DOI:10.1080/10494820.2019.1660996 (SSCI) (Corresponding Author)

[3] Shu-Jing Wu, Dian-Fu Chang & Hui Hu (2019). Detecting the Issue of Higher Education Over-Expanded Under Declining Enrollment Times. Higher Education Policy. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41307-019-00163-z (SSCI)

[4] Shu-Jing Wu, Dian-Fu Chang & Fu-Rong Sun (2020). Exploring College Student’s Perspectives on Global Mobility during the COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery. Education Sciences. 2020, 10, 218. doi:10.3390/educsci10090218 (ESCI)

[5] Shu-Jing Wu, Jiao Han, Fu-Rong Sun, Rong-Gen Wan & Yu-Quan Zhao (2021). An integrated model for exploring college students’ engagement and competence development in flipped learning using partial least squares path modeling, Interactive Learning Environments. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2021.1881799 (SSCI)

[6] Shu-Jing Wu, Yan-Yu Xu, Jiao Han & Meng-Lin Jiang (2021). Detecting the factors affecting the learning performance of students with different learning styles. ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications, 12(12). (IEEE Xplore, Ei Compendex and Scopus, etc.)

[7] Dian-Fu Chang, Wen-Shan Zhu, Shu-Jing Wu (2022). Predicting the Enrollments in Humanities and STEM Programs in Higher Education Using ARIMAX Models. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 12(4). DOI: 10.4018/IJOPCD.311435 (ESCI) (Corresponding Author)

[8] Shu-Jing Wu, Tin-Chang Chang, & Chin-Chan Wu (2022). Relationship between experiential Marketing, brand image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in a tourist hotel. Innovation on Design and Culture, 1(1), 20-31. https://doi.org/10.35745/idc2022v01.01.0004

[9] Shu-Jing Wu, Feng-Lan Liu, Yan-Yu Xu, Tin-Chang Chang, & Zeng-Han Lee (2023). Constructing a student engagement and learning development model in mobile learning by SEM. International Conferences e-Society 2023 and Mobile Learning 2023, 259-266. (IEEE Xplore, Ei Compendex and Scopus)

[10] Yan-Min Zhang, Dong-Yun Wei, Hong-Zhen Hu, & Shu-Jing Wu (2023). A social network analytics approach of exploring the characteristics of peer interaction for senior preschoolers. International Conference on Advanced Sensing and Intelligent Systems (ICASIS2023). (IEEE Xplore, Ei Compendex and Scopus) (Corresponding Author)

[11] Shu-Jing Wu, Peng Wang, & Rong-Gen Wan (2023). A mediation analysis to detect the effects of post-service adaptation on teacher engagement and job satisfaction using PROCESS and SEM. ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications. (IEEE Xplore, Ei Compendex and Scopus)

[12] Shu-Jing Wu, Dong-Yun Wei, Yan-Min Zhang, Jiao Han, & Hong-Zhen Hu (2023). A Survey of an Evaluation Index of Teaching Ability for Financial Literacy Education Based on TPACK for Primary and Secondary School Teachers. 2023 the 6th Asia Conference on Cognitive Engineering and Intelligent Interaction (CEII 2023). (IEEE Xplore, Ei Compendex and Scopus)

[13] 吴舒静与韩娇(2022)。我国教师信息化技术专业发展状况及启示—基于TALIS 2018报告分析。中国信息技术教育 (普刊)。381期,92-95页。

[14] Zhiqun Ouyang & Shujing Wu (2024). A Program Development of Reducing Students’ Dropout Intention at Private Universities in Changsha of Hunan Province, China. The EUrASEANs: journal on global socio-economic dynamics, 1(44), 354-367.

[15] Lanxin Zhao & Shu-Ching Wu (2024). Innovative Strategies for Teacher Engagement: A Dual-drive Model Integrating Job Resources and Self-leadership in Private Universities, Hunan Province, China. The EUrASEANs: journal on global socio-economic dynamics, 1(44), 368-387.

[16] Ting Cai, Shu-Ching Wu, Xiaoyao Yue, & Yan Ye (2024). Development of Exemplary Leadership Practices among Engineering Students Through a Community Service Approach of Private Universities. Educational Administration Theory and Practice. (ESCI)

[17] Lanxin Zhao & Shu-Ching Wu (2024). A Mixed-Method Approach to Investigating the Effects of a Dual-Drive Model Integrating Job Resources and Self-Leadership on Teacher Engagement. ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications. (IEEE Xplore, Ei Compendex and Scopus) (*Corresponding Author)


[1] 2020/09 担任国际期刊《Educational Technology & Society》 special issue on “Precision education - a new challenge for AI in education”(SSCI),  Peer Reviewer (审稿人)

[2] 2021/06 担任国际期刊《Interactive Learning Environments》(SSCI),  Peer Reviewer (审稿人)

[3] 2022/04担任国际期刊《Sustainability》(SSCI), Special Issue Guest Editor (客座编辑)

[4] 2022/08至今担任泰国斯坦福国际大学(Stamford International University)荣誉教授、访问学者、硕士生导师、博士生导师